Typical Upgrading Processes

ZStack Cloud provides single-management node and multi-management node deployment methods. The two deployment methods have different upgrading processes.

Single-Management Node Upgrading

ZStack Cloud provides ISO of two editions: c76 and c74. The upgrading process of ISO of the c74 edition is the same as the upgrading process of ISO of the c76 edition. This topic takes c76 ISO as an example to describe the upgrading process of a single-management node platform.
  1. Obtain software packages for upgrading.
    See Preparations to obtain the packages you need and save the packages in the /root/ directory.
    • Incremental upgrading requires connection to the public network.
    • Offline upgrading does not require connection to the public network but requires the bin package, ISO package, and upgrade script.
  2. Disable VM HA globally.

    Login to the UI, choose Settings > Platform Setting > Global Setting > Advanced and set VM HA to false.

  3. Back up the database and upgrading script.
    Before you upgrade the cloud platform, back up the database and upgrading script, in case of any unexpected situations.
    • Run the following command on the management node to back up the database in the /var/lib/zstack/mysql-backup/ directory:
      [root@localhost ~]# zstack-ctl dump_mysql --file-name zstack-db-backup
    • Run the following command on the management node to back up the upgrading script in the /root/ directory:
      [root@localhost ~]# cp /usr/local/bin/zstack-upgrade /root/zstack-upgrade-bk
  4. Upgrade the cloud platform.
    You can upgrade the cloud platform by using the incremental upgrading or offline upgrading method:
    • Run the following command on the management node to implement incremental upgrading:
      [root@localhost ~]# bash ZStack-Cloud-installer-4.4.0.bin -u -P MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
      Note: If the root password of the database is the default password, you do not need to specify -P MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.
    • Run the following commands on the management node to implement offline upgrading:
      [root@localhost ~]# bash zstack-upgrade -r ZStack-Cloud-x86_64-DVD-4.4.0-c76.iso
      [root@localhost ~]# bash ZStack-Cloud-installer-4.4.0.bin -u -P MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
      Note: If the root password of the database is the default password, you do not need to specify -P MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.
  5. Clean up the browser cache.

    To make sure that the upgraded platform works as expected, after the upgrading is completed, you need to login to the UI platform and press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R to clean up the browser cache.

  6. Enable VM HA globally.

    Login to the UI, choose Settings > Platform Setting > Global Setting > Advanced and set VM HA to true.

Multi-Management Node Upgrading

ZStack Cloud provides ISO of two editions: c76 and c74. The upgrading process of ISO of the c74 edition is the same as the upgrading process of ISO of the c76 edition. This topic takes c76 ISO as an example to describe the upgrading process of a multi-management node platform.
  1. Obtain software packages for upgrading.

    See Preparations to obtain the ISO package, bin package, upgrading script, multi-MN-HA you need and save the packages or scripts in the /root/ directory of the management nodes.

  2. Disable VM HA globally.

    Login to the UI, choose Settings > Platform Setting > Global Setting > Advanced and set VM HA to false.

  3. Back up the database and upgrading script.
    Before you upgrade the cloud platform, back up the database and upgrading script, in case of any unexpected situations.
    • Run the following command on the management nodes respectively to back up the database in the /var/lib/zstack/mysql-backup/ directory:
      [root@localhost ~]# zstack-ctl dump_mysql --file-name zstack-db-backup
    • Run the following command on the management nodes respectively to back up the upgrading script in the /root/ directory:
      [root@localhost ~]# cp /usr/local/bin/zstack-upgrade /root/zstack-upgrade-bk
  4. Update the local repo.
    Run the following command on the management nodes respectively to update the local repo:
    [root@localhost ~]# bash zstack-upgrade -r ZStack-Cloud-x86_64-DVD-4.4.0-c76.iso
  5. Obtain the IP address of the management node that corresponds to the VIP you use.
    Run the following command to obtain the IP address of the management node that corresponds to the VIP you use. The management node that corresponds to the yes result is the management node you need:
    [root@localhost ~]# zsha2 status
  6. Decompress the Multi-MN-HA file and grant the decompressed files execution permission.
    Run the following commands on the management node that corresponds to the VIP you use to decompress the Multi-MN-HA file and grant the decompressed files zsha2 and zstack-hamon execution permission:
    [root@localhost ~]# tar zxvf ZStack-Multinode-HA-Suite-4.4.0.tar.gz      #Decompress the Multi-MN-HA file
    [root@localhost ~]# chmod +x zsha2 zstack-hamon    #Grant the decompressed files execution permission
  7. Upgrade Multi-MN-HA
    Run the following command on the management node that corresponds to the VIP you use to upgrade Multi-MN-HA:
    [root@localhost ~]# ./zsha2 upgrade-ha
  8. Upgrade the cloud platform.
    Run the following command on the management node that corresponds to the VIP you use to upgrade the management nodes:
    zsha2 upgrade-mn -peerpass password ZStack-Cloud-installer-4.4.0.bin
    Note: -peerpass is optional. You can use the parameter to set the password of SSH login to the peer management nodes.
  9. Clean up the browser cache.

    To make sure that the upgraded platform works as expected, after the upgrading is completed, you need to login to the UI platform and press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R to clean up the browser cache.

  10. Enable VM HA globally.

    Login to the UI, choose Settings > Platform Setting > Global Setting > Advanced and set VM HA to true.


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